
inspiration - YONA FRIEDMAN "L’architecture mobile"

In 1958, Yona Friedman  published his first manifesto : "Mobile architecture" which was coined in the sense of "mobility of living." The mobility in question is not the mobility of the building, but the mobility of the user, who is given a new freedom. "The building is mobile in so much as any sort of use whatsoever by the user or a group must be possible and realisable", Friedman explained. Mobile architecture is thus the "dwelling decided on by the occupant". 

Buildings in mobile city should be:
1. touch the ground over a minimum area
2. be capable of being dismantled and moved
3. and be alterable as required by the individual occupant.


Yona Friedman, Spatial City, 1960

The Spatial city

Spatial structure should be raised up on piles (vertical means of transport - lifts, staircases) and fitted inside some of the 'voids", areas where building is not possible or permitted (expanses of water, marshland), or areas that have already been built upon (an existing city). It may also be used above farmland, and introduce a kind of merger between countryside and city.

1 comment:

  1. dear Juli,I quite like this reference,which i think relevant to my topic too,and i would like to suggest wrote by Fred Scott in our reading list
